I read this Ensign article a week or two ago, and I have found myself reflecting back on it occasionally since. It was originally given by Elder Oaks at a BYU-I devotional. If you haven't read it yet, I definitely recommend it: https://www.lds.org/ensign/2015/03/stand-as-witnesses-of-god?lang=eng
Today I was listening to a talk by Elder Holland, given at a private Christian university a few weeks ago, and there is some thematic crossover with Elder Oaks's talk: http://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/mormon-apostle-delivers-message-on-faith-family-religious-freedom-at-california-university?cid=HPTU031015744. (If you scroll down, you can watch the entire speech.)
Both Elder Oaks and Elder Holland talk about the scary cultural trend away from religion--and what we can (and should) do about it as witnesses of Jesus Christ.