Monday, April 1, 2019

Women in the Church

I saw this article on the Church's web page this morning:

Two new things I learned:

Women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints actually do much that women pastors in other religious organizations do. “We teach doctrine to men and women; we pray from the pulpit; we lead organizations for women, youth, and children; we serve as missionaries,” said Sister Nelson. --> I already knew this, but I'd never thought of it that way. Some people are really upset that women aren't ordained to the priesthood and hold certain leadership positions in the Church. But we already do much of the same things that ecclesiastical leaders do.

Pointing out that both she and Sister Nelson hold doctorate degrees, Sister Oaks spoke of the importance of education for Latter-day Saint women. --> I didn't know this before. I also know that Sister Renlund has a law degree. How interesting that at least 3 of the wives of our First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve hold advanced degrees.