Sunday, November 12, 2017


In my role as a seminary teacher, I have been invited to attend ward council in two weeks to have a discussion about this:

How should youth leaders steer/correct/deal with youth who are acting out in a way that supports the parents' efforts to teach their children?

Any great talks or scripture stories or insights on the subject that come to mind? I want to be prepared to contribute to the discussion.


  1. This doesn't directly answer the question, but so far it's the closest I could find:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In the scriptures, the chapter that came to mind was Mosiah 26. Some of the rising generation were "dissenting." The teachers took them to the priests. The priests took them to Alma, the high priest. Alma took them to King Mosiah. King Mosiah deferred to Alma. Alma was very troubled, so he took the matter to the Lord. I think it's interesting that there was a lot of confusion about who had the authority or stewardship. Ultimately, the matter was resolved by the "voice of the Lord" after Alma "poured out his whole soul to God" (vs. 14).

    An interesting aside--unrelated to the question at hand--in verse 3 it says that the youth could not understand because they did not believe. A lot of times we think we have to understand first in order to believe. (I'm thinking of investigators, as well as individuals who struggle with doubts.) But actually, according to this verse, it's the other way around. When we first exercise our faith, THEN God grants us understanding that we seek.

  4. Rats. I am just seeing this so its probably too late. In 2010 or 2011 there was a GC talk where Elder Nelson (maybe) talked about a couple that couldn't have kids, I think the husband was called to be a bishop, and when someone in the ward questioned what he knew about parenting, he said he hoped to practice and learn with their kids... then I think the couple was called to be mission presidents. That might be a useful talk.

    Also, I love Elder Robbins talk:
