Friday, June 27, 2014

Home and Visiting Teaching

Howdy! It was good to see some of you who I don't often get to see at Rachel's wedding! I hope all is going well in your part of the vineyard.

Here's the topic for my talk on Sunday, The Ideal Visit for Home/Visiting Teaching. I had this great talk outlined until I invited two friends from work to come and listen, and then the missionaries said that they would have quite a few investigators there on Sunday. Now I am really struggling with what to say about home/visiting teaching that would be well catered to someone who is just hearing about it.

I am considering explaining what it is, using some paragraphs from Handbook 2, and then discussing times when the Savior visited people in their homes. Any thoughts? I would appreciate any and all input.

Much love,


  1. I know that Elder Bednar has addressed the doctrine of home teaching before. He references it on pages 167-168 of Increase in Learning, and I know I've read or heard more from him on the topic. He mentions that HTs should "watch over, be with, and strengthen (D&C 20:53).

    I love your idea to use information from the handbook, and to make use of scriptures and the Savior. I'm sure it will be great!

    Also, in my experience, there is no one uniform "ideal visit".

  2. When I got my calling as a VT coordinator, I spent several weeks studying visiting teaching. I wrote somewhat of a report with talks, quotes, scriptures, etc on the topic. If you're interested, I can send it your way.

    I really love the idea of using the scriptures and examples of the Savior. My favorite example of visiting teaching is when Mary, the mother of Christ, went and visited Elizabeth during her pregnancy. I thought it was a good example of service (taking care of her in her pregnancy), sharing the word of God (praising God), and connecting with your sister (sharing feelings of inadequacy of being the mothers of Jesus and John). That's what I'm striving to do with each one of my visiting teaching sisters. Mary and Elizabeth is definitely my favorite example of visiting teaching in the scriptures.

    Also, here's one of my favorite quote on visiting teaching, "“By assigning our women to do visiting teaching, we give them the opportunity to develop the pure love of Christ, which can be the greatest blessing of their lives” (Barbara Winder, in Daughters in My Kingdom, page 120).

    Anyway, I know you'll do great! I'm really excited for you!

  3. Woah! Thanks amigas! Yes, Nori, please send your study notes my way. I love that example of Elizabeth and Mary! Also, I totally forgot about Daughters in My Kingdom! This makes me sooo happy! As a side note, Barbara Winder's son was my dentist growing up (I think three of her sons were in our stake/ward) and I went to school with a few of her grandkids. Also her daughter is Susan W. Tanner, my favorite General YW President.

  4. For some reason, I just BARELY got a notification about your post.

    I think it's a great topic to discuss with investigators present. Home and visiting teaching is the very essence of the gospel.

    I second Daughters in My Kingdom. It has a whole chapter on visiting teaching, and it has some great stories. I don't have time to do any research, but I can send you an outline that I made when I taught an RS presidency lesson on the subject. It may or may not be helpful for giving a sacrament meeting talk, but at least you'll know I'm rooting for you! :)

    Love ya!
