Monday, June 17, 2013

Meaning of Modesty

This is a super interesting speech. What do you think?


  1. I'm glad that you posted this. I saw it go viral on Facebook but I usually don't watch the videos because of time, but this was worth the time.

    My favorite line was "Modesty isn't about covering up our bodies because their bad, modesty isn't about hiding ourselves… it's about revealing our dignity." I don't think I have ever thought about it quite like that. It's comforting to think about modesty as revealing virtue rather than covering up a vice.

    This video made me study the Creaton story with Adam and Even and think about how they were given clothes after they sinned. After they ate the fruit, it was one of God's first actions to give them clothes to replace the fig leaves. Not only does this show the importance of modesty, but this tells me that modest clothes can be a protection from sin. Very interesting...

  2. Kind of on a tangent, but responding to Nori's comment about the Creation, I remember being taught in a BYU religion class that Adam and Eve's nakedness represented their being exposed to the law after sinning. They were made vulnerable and left unprotected. The coverings Adam and Eve were given were said to be representative of the Atonement, which we have access to through Christ as we make and keep covenants. So when I think of clothing and the Creation story, I think of how the Atonement covers and protects us from the effects of the Fall.

    I wonder if there is a correlation between a lack of desire to physically cover one's self in our society today, and the sense of independence that often compels others to not rely on God and Priesthood power.

    Ultimately, I believe modesty, of dress, speech and action, is a reflection of respect and of our understanding of the doctrine of the Plan of Salvation. I can see how it can be easy for those without an understanding of core doctrines to not value modesty. But I feel strongly that it is important for many reasons that modesty and virtue and valued and protected.

  3. Wow! Thanks for teaching me guys! And don't apologize for tangents ;)
